ICLA 2017: Moving_Encounters

Living in the ‘age of anger’, bearing an increasing environmental crisis as various ‘alternative facts’ haunt us, we ought to discuss and question the ‘climax of late capitalism’ and its consequences. As to what extent art (making) can create alternative perspectives. We want to speak through various textures, cultures and materials. [Details…]

ICLA 2016: BODYHOOD_NARRATIVE & composition

We focus on the universal stories born of immanent stillness. Here, the term ‘BODYHOOD’ stands for anchorage, origin and contemplation. The lab discusses the multiplicity of storytelling and suggests a return to a corporeal origin; whether as diverse idioms of dance vocabulary or as manifold forms of verbal expression (speech, poetry, song…). [Details…]


We focus on the new challenges for choreographic enterprises in the face of increasing production efforts under diminishing resources at institutions as well as established frameworks in the overall cultural landscape. The experience within selected artistic practices and their empirical knowledge stands against various programs devised by “curators”, who claim freedom of expression. [Details…]


We study the interface of body and mind through memory, thus being intrinsically connected and cultivated within our evolution. The lab focuses on spontaneous memory (flashes) by collecting, structuring, documenting and staging the findings. Through various group activities, collective memory is developed and celebrated. [Details…]

ICLA 2013: STONE bound_BODY motion

As backbone and logo for the choreolab the material ‘stone’ manifests itself in the landscape of St. Margarethen as a paramount setting: the Sculptors House as unique architecture made out of stone as many sculptures  around the hill. Within the multi-layered materiality of the body, the bones of the human skeleton function as the most solid and densest part, thus providing theme and content. [Details…]

ICLA 2012: LAND.body.scape_corpography

We postulate that “dance of things” mediates between the internal and external bodily spaces, suggesting a redefinition of modalities. The term ‘corpography’ reflects and inquires both on anthropological and socio-cultural transformations thus focusing on the individual and the collective at the same instance, triggering and formulating wide-ranging questions. [Details…]

ICLA 2011: (E)MOTION FREQUENCY_deceleration

Stress, breathlessness, exhaustion – these are the symptoms of our post-modern lifestyle, pursued by most people around us. Our life is determined by the ticking of the clock or the slavery imposed by electronic ‘tags’ most beloved by those who still consider stress to be a kind of status symbol. [Details…]

ICLA 2010: MEMBRANE motion_phonotope

The image of the membrane serves as a contextual framework for the lab, processing ‘phonotopes’ in the sense of place and culture-specific soundscapes. The objective is to tune, rhythmize and contextualize the body by accumulating site-specific sound and movement techniques.  [Details…]

ICLA 2009: CARTOGRAPHY bodymemento

We work with cartographic structures emphasizing on spatial corporality, thus studying the relationship between movement and (pre)scripted (architectural) spaces. Aiming to remove manifold disguises within specific frameworks, we focus on the individual perception. The lab offers various exercises on specific time-parameter and space-constellations. [Details…]