We work with cartographic structures emphasizing on spatial corporality, thus studying the relationship between movement and (pre)scripted (architectural) spaces. Aiming to remove manifold disguises within specific frameworks, we focus on the individual perception. The lab offers various exercises on specific time-parameter and space-constellations.

Visual, tactile, acoustic and (e)motional contact points among individual protagonists articulate spatial awareness and bridge outdoor and indoor activities around the exemplary campus at DUK. Complex schemes and pictographs add further insight and challenge the perception, thus developing sophisticated contact strategies vis-à-vis barriers, (abolished) spaces, (crowded) openings etc.

Theoretical backup lectures enhance the interface of choreography and architecture reaching out to neurology, psychology, sociology and framing further by new media. Digitalization (within globalization) enhances the discourse yet towards another level discussing parallelism, vulnerability and affectedness of organized space schemes. Entrepreneurial thinking and free will de- and attachment as an artistic choice for performance strategies celebrate new modes of space awareness and behaviour.

ICLA 2009: ‘CARTOGRAPHY bodymemento’ 5-15 September 2009 at the Danube University Krems.  With great success and international participation, the first module included experts such as Gill Clarke, Choreographer (GB), Gus Solomons, Choreographer (USA), the Neuroscientist Michael Brainin (A), and Video Choreographer Johannes Birringer (GB).

Folder:ICLA TAW Folder 2009
Documentation: Documentation