Sebastian Prantl opens the exhibition DYNAMIK! …KINETISMUS at the Lower Belvedere in Vienna with a choreographic movement parcours through the various themes of the exhibition. Accompanied by the video artist Raffael Frick, the opening performance is recorded live in order to be re-montaged in an installation for the exhibition.
As a transitory act of pre- and postproduction this special choreographic parcours occurs as a wonderful act of bridging the themes of the past with gestures of the present within an exemplary (art)historical, multi-layered context.
„A performance was the special highlight during the vernissage: The dancer and choreographer Sebastian Prantl impressed with an expressive parcours through the exhibition, referring to the paintings and exhibited works.“
Choreography/Solo Dance: Sebastian Prantl
Music Concept: Cecilia Li
Video: Raffael Frick
Curators Belvedere: Harald Krejci, Patrick Werkner
Premiered at Belvedere, February 2011